Implementation Science


Introduction to Implementation Science

13 years since the inception of Implementation Science, we have witnessed a continued rise in the number of submissions, reflecting the growing global interest in methods to enhance the uptake of research findings into healthcare practice and policy.

What is Implementation science? is the scientific study of methods and strategies that facilitate the uptake of evidence-based practice and research into regular use by practitioners and policymakers.

The field of implementation science seeks to systematically close the gap between what we know and what we do, by identifying and addressing the barriers that slow or halt the uptake of proven health interventions and evidence based practices.

What is the purpose of implementation science?

Implementation science generally seeks to develop and rigorously evaluate fixed implementation strategies to address implementation gaps across multiple sites. In this respect, the goal of implementation science is to develop generalizable knowledge.

What are the examples of implementation science?

Implementation interventions may include, for example, efforts to change behavior at the patient, provider, system, or even policy level. Common examples include strategies at the provider level such as education/training, audit-feedback, and performance incentives

Who uses implementation science?

Implementation science can be employed by any discipline focused on improving human health and well-being through the delivery of services and evidence based practices intended to accomplish this goal.

What is dissemination and implementation science?

Dissemination and Implementation Science (DIS) is a growing research field that seeks to inform how evidence-based interventions can be successfully adopted, implemented, and maintained in health care delivery and community settings.